Monday, December 17, 2012

A Christmas Message..

It is hard to believe that this will be our last Christmas without Elder Calder home. This last year has come and gone in a blink of an eye. We are so proud of all that our missionary has accomplished. Here is a short Christmas message from Elder Calder (from this week's letter):

December 17,2012

I am happy to be a missionary. I am so frightened and saddened by all of the wickedness and hardship that surrounds each and every one of us, but I find comfort in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, I do not have to worry, things don't have to look so bleak. Because of him there is HOPE! I hope we all take a little time to remember that. Not just at this time, but every day. As I said prior, let us all work a little harder, to be a little better. For truly this life is a time to prepare to meet God, and "the night cometh wherein no man can labor".

I know that this is God's church. I know that there is Hope. I know that the greatest part of this time of the Savior is not simply celebrating His Birth, but also His life, His Death, His Resurrection, But most of all His Atonement.

I love you guys, Keep your chins up this Christmas season and may we all lift those with feeble knees and trembling hearts.
Elder Calder
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and remember Him.