Monday, December 17, 2012

A Christmas Message..

It is hard to believe that this will be our last Christmas without Elder Calder home. This last year has come and gone in a blink of an eye. We are so proud of all that our missionary has accomplished. Here is a short Christmas message from Elder Calder (from this week's letter):

December 17,2012

I am happy to be a missionary. I am so frightened and saddened by all of the wickedness and hardship that surrounds each and every one of us, but I find comfort in my Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, I do not have to worry, things don't have to look so bleak. Because of him there is HOPE! I hope we all take a little time to remember that. Not just at this time, but every day. As I said prior, let us all work a little harder, to be a little better. For truly this life is a time to prepare to meet God, and "the night cometh wherein no man can labor".

I know that this is God's church. I know that there is Hope. I know that the greatest part of this time of the Savior is not simply celebrating His Birth, but also His life, His Death, His Resurrection, But most of all His Atonement.

I love you guys, Keep your chins up this Christmas season and may we all lift those with feeble knees and trembling hearts.
Elder Calder
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and remember Him.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Thanks!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving was the last we will have to spend without Elder Calder... yep, he'll be joining us next year! Woohoo!
This is a wonderful time of year where we can give thanks to the many blessings that we have.
Schuyler did just that in his last letter:

The last week was good. I especially like Yesterday at church as everyone reflected on being thankful for that which we have. I am not very good at this. But I know it is an eternal principle. Take for instance the many times we are tested by God, if we only look for that which is good, if we keep our chins up, and if we notice all of the great blessings around us-we will begin to find that "Pearl of Great Price". I know that Christ lives. I am thankful for his atonement. I am thankful for a good family that supports me and whom I love. I am thankful that my family is just a bunch of my best friends. I am thankful for parents that knew enough to tell me "no" when I needed it. I am thankful for fun parents who I can play with. I am thankful for good friends that I have so much fun with. I am thankful for letters from friends right when I need them. I am thankful for thrift stores that have cheap clothes for cheap missionaries. I am thankful for new beginnings that allow us to refocus. I am thankful for cool animals that give me joy to play with. I am thankful for sweet computers that let me talk to people from far away. I am thankful for music that makes me smile. I am thankful for hands so I can clap when something is awesome. I am thankful for teeth so I can bite into a frozen grape. I am thankful for pain so that I can remember how nice it is to not have it. I am thankful for evil so that I can learn to be good. I am thankful for rain because it brings growth. I am thankful for hardship because it allows me to grow. I am thankful for stress so that I can stretch. I am thankful for being tired because that means I have worked hard. I am thankful for stinky feet because that means I have walked many miles. I am thankful for creeky bikes because that means that it's been used. I am thankful for my mission because it has taught me my real worth.

Happy Holidays! Hope yours is wonderful.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Woot woot for ONE year!!

Elder Schuyler Calder hit a milestone on September 7th....He has been serving the wonderful people of Texas for one year!!  He has totally loved being a missionary and sharing the message of the Gospel.  Schuyler has grown so much and it has been wonderful to receive his weekly letters and see the transformation that he is having.  We are so very proud of him and the rock solid foundation that he continues to build upon of the Gospel.  He loves the people and especially a good old Texan barbeque!!  His mission experience has had its hardships and challenges as well as many miracles and Schuyler continues to share his love of life and love for our Savior and His restored Gospel.  We miss Schuy like crazy but are very grateful for his willingness and desire to be obedient and serve diligently in the mission field.  We are sure PROUD OF OUR ELDER!!!
His Proud Mama Bear (LU)

P.S. Here are a few pictures of what our Elder is up to!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

One Year Down ... One more to GO!!

Elder Calder hit his 1 year mark on his mission this past week (Sept. 7th)!! We cannot believe how fast this last year has gone and am sure the next will go even faster. Congratulations Elder!!!
Schuyler also got a new companion and is still in the Eden area (outside of San Antonio). They have endured excruciating heats and some crazy people. Here are some pictures of his last companion and his newby:
 Saying goodbye to Elder Schwarz
Elder Calder & Elder Knudson
Keep up the great work BUD!! We love you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Sky-GUY!!!

Our baby brother and missionary bud, Elder Schuyler Calder, turned the big 20 years old yesterday (I meant to post this yesterday obviously!). Happy Birthday Sky-guy! We sure love you and are so proud of you!! We hope you have/had an amazing birthday!

PS I found this sweet cartoon... yeah, pretty appropriate for both of my brothers! lol

Monday, July 23, 2012

It Simply Works

I loved Elder Calder's letter this week. Entitled, 'It Simply Works' he testifies of how the Gospel simply works.  I know, along with Elder Calder, that if we put our faith and trust in the Lord that everything will work out- because with the Gospel everything does work out. He is looking out for us and He loves us so much. If we can let the Gospel into our lives then He will help us.
Here is his full letter:

Hey there Everybody!
Well, I can't believe I am sitting here at a computer again. This last week has seemed long, and short, at the same time. It was transfers and as you know I was able to stay in Eden with Elder Schwarz: a great blessing.
We are happy to let y'all know that some good miracles happened this last week, three stand out to me the most, I will start with my favorite:
We were able to teach Robert yesterday with Brother Cooley. (We were supposed to teach him 3 other times last week but each time crazy things in his family would come up-he feels an even greater call to our message seeing that he had crazy 'distractions' come up three times in a row) The lesson went well. We taught him the Restoration, and it went great. Like I said, we had wanted to teach it a week prior, so the plan was a week in waiting, and we had plenty of time to refine it and change it according to the spirit. We taught him the Restoration and he loved it, but that's not where my favorite part came in, it was in the testimony of Brother Cooley, the member we brought. We didn't know Brother Cooley as well, not having much opportunity to get to know him but there was definitely some guidance in being able to bring him to the lesson. He has gone through many similar experiences, like Robert. Therefore his testimony made sense to Robert. What stood out to me? One thing he said: "The Gospel Works. It simply Works." He talked about how many times in life we can try other fixes, we are all trying to find that truth that will shape and guide our lives, and the Gospel will do it. Because it simply works. What a beautiful way to state it. Through hardship, through deep trials we look to one thing: The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it works!!! It works at healing hearts. It works at lifting the down trodden. It works at bringing people to Christ. It works at getting people to the Celestial Kingdom. It simply Works.
Another great experience we had was with a lady that we actually taught two weeks ago, named Tracy. She was a great lady, we contacted her on her porch, taught a first lesson, but she wouldn't commit to a time for a second lesson. So we decided to put her on 'simmer'. We invited her to go onto to learn more on her own time. Well, this last week we received a 'referral text' from saying that she wanted us to come back and to bring a copy of the Book of Mormon. We were stoked! When people do as we invite, the success is there. It's like an infallible experiment, it will always work. When we go to church we are lifted. When we read the scriptures we are enlightened. When we pray we receive answers. It simply works.
On Wednesday we had an awesome experience while we were knocking. I had been feeling for the longest time that we would find a couple, and so every night, when we set goals for the next day, we included a goal of 2 new investigators. Well Wednesday we went to this apartment complex to check up on a potential investigator. When we got there we started knocking and.... it just didn't feel right. So we picked up and moved to a different place: an apartment complex just down the road. Elder Schwarz felt like that'd be much better. We began in one hall. Knocked one side, no one interested. Knocked the other side, no one interested... until.... the very last door. We knocked and a girl named Erica answered the door. Turns out that her best friends are the Smith's, members in our ward, and that she had once taken the discussions in Converse but had recently moved in with her boyfriend. Both her and her boyfriend (and both families) are catholic. Die hard catholic. But in her own words: "I love my heritage, it's awesome. But.... I love the Mormon church. Just as much, or even more than my Catholic heritage, but I don't want to hurt my family.... I read from the Book of Mormon, and the Bible..... I just feel torn, like one part of me wants to be a Mormon because it's so wonderful, and the other part wants to remain Catholic because my family is there, which makes it wonderful as well." BOMBING!!! We went in, taught a 'sort-of' first lesson. We have dinner with them at 5:30 tonight and will be teaching them the restoration. We know Erica is interested (especially in a Temple Marriage for an eternal marriage) we just have to see what Kyle, the fiancee says. But, it's the Gospel, so..... It will work out. It simply works!
This last week I had an interesting experience. I think it will stick with me, for the lesson that has been burned onto my soul. We knocked on this door and a nice man came out. We began talking to him about biking (we had seen a nice road bike in the garage). He seemed like a great guy, real nice, open, and best of all: interested in what we had to say. Then came the invite: "Would you like to learn more about our church?" The Response, "Sure, just one thing- What is your church's stance on homosexuality." Ouch, that stung. The conversation had been going so well, but I knew I couldn't ignore it. I looked him in the eye and said, "Our church believes that marriage between man and a woman is ordained of God" of course taken from the Family Proclamation to the World. He shut the door with a "That's all I needed to know." I felt somewhat sad that it had come down to that, but then a thought graced me. We do not stand down to our beliefs. We do not lessen our morals. We know what is right, and we stick to it, because it works. It simply Works.
As you can see, I ended every paragraph with the phrase: "It simply Works." What a simple, but profound statement. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, with all of it's trial, joy, and progression, simply works. It is what will give us peace and joy, not only know, but forever. I do not know where I would be without the Gospel. Without the Scriptures. Without Modern Prophets. Without the Church. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints not because that's how I grew up, not because that's what my parents believe, not because I am entertained at church or because I love going "against the curve". I am a member because I know that it's real, it's not just words on paper, it's a way of life. And this way of life simply works.
Elder Calder
Thank you Elder Calder for such wonderful words of wisdom and for your encouraging testimony.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Well, I have meant to post on here for quite some time now, but as always I'm slacking! Schuyler is doing great on his mission.  He just got transferred and is in a place called Eden! Here is part of his latest email- about his area and new companion. Hopefully we will get some pictures soon so I can post some.
Hey family!
Well, what a great week this last one has been. Boy, am I loving my new area, it's definitely got trials, but it just feels different.... kind of fresh! So first of all here is my new address for those of you (I hope many (: ) that want to write to me:
Elder Schuyler Calder
13030 Park Crossing #201M
San Antonio, TX 78217
My new area is called the Eden area. That's right, I am serving in the Garden of Eden!!! It's pretty awesome, in fact our apartment complex has it's own 'mini lake' that we get to run around every day. It's real cool. And there are tons of ducks there so we end up chasing the ducks a lot (well I do at least). My new companion is Elder Parker Shwarz. He is from Gilbert, Arizona. We get along real well. He loved music (just about as much as me) before coming out on the mission, and he attended BYU provo for a semester before as well. He has 8 brothers and sisters. Yep, that's right, tons and tons! He has 3 brothers and 5 sisters. He loves the heat (so he loves San Antonio) and is thinking about going into finance or accounting after his mission.
In our area we are what is called a "car-share" so we get the car one week and then we bike the next week.... Heh, this upcoming week is our bike week and it is supposed to be even hotter than the last week! It's going to be hot! But, luckily I have a 3 liter camelbak so it is great for staying hydrated. The apartment is pretty nice. I was lucky enough to get another apartment with Washer/Dryer, and Dish Washer (but.... it is currently down and out for the count and has been for the last several months.... but... at least we have it!) It's actually kind of funny because Eden is literally a mile up the ride from Woodlake. In fact, I am in the same stake: the East stake. It is good though.
Sounds like he is doing awesome! We can't believe he is almost out a year. Way to go Bud! We love you BUNCHES!
PS Notice his new address :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Phone Call

We get to talk to Schuyler in three weeks! Just sayin.....
Excited for Mother's Day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Transfer!!

Schuyler (err.. Elder Calder!) had his very first transfer this last week! Woot, woot!! He is loving his new area and his new companion. Change is always a good thing. Here is part of his last letter (because I really loved this one!):

Hey fam!
Well, I'm currently sitting in front of a computer in a suburb of San Antonio. I have a new companion, and things are just rocking. They are going epicly well. So now I am currently in the Woodlake Area, my new address is:

8355 Crestway Road, Apt # 115
Converse, TX 78109

So keep the letters coming for sure! My new companions name is Elder Michael Rudy. He is super radical. He is from West Jordan, and this is actually his last transfer! Heh, ya, that's right, looks like I'm going to be killing off another one of my companions. It's pretty weird for a guy as young as I am in the mission to send so many missionaries home, so if it continues I am going to nickname myself "Presidents Hitman", but we'll see. No but Elder Rudy is a fantastic missionary, he has a lot of power when he teaches, so it's been really fun. I have taught more lessons in the last 3 days then I had in my last transfer with Elder Ford. It's epic! We actually taught 4 lessons in one day this last friday. And actually Elder Rudy is super stoked to have me as his last companion, cause apparently he didn't get along too well with his last companion. But we are best friends for sure. Heh, in fact, he kind of reminds me of Tyson. He doesn't look like Tyson but we joke and laugh and have fun just like I did with Tyson. Speaking of Tyson, man, he's only got like, what, five months left?? That's gonna be crazy, but I can't wait to hear from him when he gets home on how his mission was.
So a little bit about my area. It is pretty cool, and about as opposite from Cedar Park as you could get. It's definitely alot lower income and it's wicked because everyone is not white! That's fun. In fact I'd say the predominate race around is Black or Mexican, they are pretty prevalant. So it makes things a lot more fun because there is a lot more culture. It's a lot bigger as well, which means we have a car. We have one of the newest cars in the mission, it's like a 2010 Corolla or something like that. But the cool thing is since it is Elder Rudy's last transfer he is what we call "red dotted" which means that he can't drive, so I get to drive! It is weird to be back in a car after six months, and I definitely wish that it was a clutch car but still at least no more biking in the rain!
So a couple of cool things that have happened this last week: So we were knocking on a couple of doors on a street and we were walking up to this door but there was a dog guarding it, it starts to growl, Elder Rudy is like, let's not do that one. But I'm like, psh, I'm the Dog Whisperer! So I slowly walk forward and I found that if I moved my hand up and down while slowing walking the dog would be distracted by my hand and he wouldn't even notice that I was getting closer and closer. So I slowly walked up while waiving my hand and Baam! Next thing you know I am petting the dog and knocking on the door. It was sweet too because we got a first lesson and a return appointment out of it. Heh, Elder Rudy says that the lady, Margaretta, is going to get baptized just because Satan tried to stop us by putting the crazy dog there.
We also got to teach a lesson to a less active family. It is sad because it is a family of husband, wife, one son, and 2 daughters. Only the dad and one daughter is active. Well, we went over there and we taught them from Mosiah 24 talking mainly about trials and how we can overcome them. We finished the lesson that we had planned and I felt prompted to start talking to Michael, the son, about his decision to not come to church anymore. So I did, it was actually really cool. Elder Rudy later told me that he felt like HE was the Junior Companion in that lesson. But that just goes to show that it doesn't matter who opens there mouth, because as long as they are doing so with the effort of listening to the spirit, it'll work. Michael came to church on sunday.
Anyways, I am super happy to be here right now. It is a completely different experience. The Lord definitely knew I was ready for a switch and I have seen such miracles as people who have been prepared just for Elder Rudy and I have come into view. Keep up the hard work, keep praying and keep reading your scriptures. It's always the little things we do that create the greatest results.
Elder Calder
I love this letter and hearing about how he is doing. I love hearing him how positive he is. Keep up the great work Elder Calder. We sure do love you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Well, yet again I have been a slacker on this blog. BUT, I wanted to give a quick update of how Schuyler is doing (ah hem.. I mean Elder Calder :)):
Elder Calder is doing wonderful! He is still in the Cedar Park area and recently received a new companion, Elder Ford from Tennessee.  They get along for the most part and Schuyler has gained a new perspective from his new companionship. He continues to meet new people and have more crazy experiences with the people he meets. He has experienced weather from hot to cold, rain to sunshine. He has tried many different styles of food (Texas barbeque, crawdad boil- to name a few-). Although they have not had much success lately they continue to have experiences that shape their testimonies and their faith.
Schuyler has grown up so much on his mission already and we are excited to talk to him in a few short months (on Mother's Day!) to see how he has changed. Elder Calder continually has such a positive attitude and great insights that help not only those he serves but the family and friends that follow him back home. Keep it up Elder! We love you so much!

Here are a few excerpts from his latest emails:

Feb. 29, 2012
"I am so thankful for the things that I have gained now. The testimony that I am a Son of God. But mostly that His church is here today. Elder Ford and I were watching a short clip of a proselyting video that we have last night and it said something interesting. It talked about how knowing that the Book of Mormon is true allows us to see that God continues to Speak to us as he did to the men of past. That hit me pretty strong. I started to think about it and I feel like I have been hit with a ton of bricks. The truth is many people do believe that God does not speak to men today. How sad. How useless. As I think about that I think about what my life would be like without the knowledge that God does speak to us. I sure would feel hopeless.
Well, sorry to cut this letter so short but my brain is apparently not working ! (Heh I guess it's just a bit of writers block, I can't get my thoughts and feelings out on paper at all!) But please know that everything is great with me here in Cedar Park. I am so thankful that I am truly serving the Lord, I was biking yesterday from and appointment and on our way I saw several groups of Teenagers, All involved in several activities. Some playing basketball with friends, some with girlfriends, some walking down the street a lone. Some were smiling, some weren't. For a second their I had a thought of jealousy, wishing "Man, they getta do whatever the heck they want, listen to whatever music they want, go wherever they want." But then I realized something: That simply will not bring happiness. I thought about how all of those things will always bring joy and great little bits of happiness, but it all would be for nothing if I died and had no "eternal future". That future can only be obtained by righteousness. By keeping the commandments of God. By being baptized. By being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And especially, by enduring to the end. I hold the priesthood. That is a blessing, but it also comes with obligations. One of those obligations is to serve the Lord and spread the word of God. In other words, to serve a mission. Although I could be doing those other things it simply wouldn't be what makes me happy in the long run. Although I may have hard times, although at times I may sit on my bed, tears creeping at the sides of my eyes and question why I am out here. Although all these things may bring me down lower and lower, in the end, when I look up from the ground I will see the Mountain I have climbed and will see that I am higher now, then I have ever been. Although at times it may feel like I am sinking lower, it is all relative, for I will always be better as long as I am in the service of my God. Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve... but as for me and my house, we serve the Lord.
I love the Lord. I know that this is his church. I wish I could share the feelings that are in my heart which you guys. To let you partake of this great happiness. This fruit that I had never tasted before. With time I hope that I can. I love you guys."

Friday, February 3, 2012


"12 And also, the voice of the Son came unto me, saying: He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father agive the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, bfollow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.
13 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall afollow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no bhypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real cintent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are dwilling to take upon you the ename of Christ, by fbaptism—yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the gbaptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the htongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel." 2 Nephi 31:12-13

Elder Calder had his first baptism! He has been working with a man named Mike.  On January 21, 2011 Mike decided to be baptized.  What a wonderful decision! Here are a few pictures from that special day-

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012

I just wanted to share a quick paragraph from one of Schuyler's emails this week.  It touched my heart:
"'And now, my beloved brethren after ye have gotten into this straight and narrow path, I would ask if it is done? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; for ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.'
'Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.'
I was looking through my journal and at some pages I had had for later on (when I would return home). They were pages filled with movies or tv shows I'd like to watch or artists I wanted to listen too. I was then talking to Elder Cook about different things. After a bit I made a decision. I ripped them out of my Journal and threw them in the garbage. Why? Not because they were very evil things, nor because I couldn't watch or listen to them in the future. No, but because they were distracting me from the Lord, right here and right now. Sometimes it is only through giving up the worldly things we cherish that we can truly see our potential. I had to hand my life over to the Lord. And this is the type of people we need to be. We need to be able to say to the Lord, "Lord, I don't know why I think I might need to give it up, but you do. So I will do it. And I will trust in you that you will make me into the person that I need to be." That is where my trust is. I know that either way, in 2 years, I will be who He needs me to be, and I will stick with that. Because I know that in the end, I need to be what He needs me to be, or I simply will not be as happy as I want."