Each of us has a TESTIMONY. Each person can obtain the spiritual gift of a testimony. Elder Calder shares his testimony often in his letters. The following are a few passages of some of his letters:
I know that this Gospel is true. I know that close to 200 years ago, a young boy knelt to plead to his Father to know which pathway to take in life. And I know that through such a prayer, we have the Book of Mormon, we have the whole teachings of Christ, and we have His restored church. What a blessing it is to know that I have a pathway-that my life has meaning, through and because of my Savior Jesus Christ.
I know that this church is true. One awesome opportunity I had this last week was to watch the Joseph Smith movie on Sunday. If you haven't seen it, or even if you haven't seen it lately, check it out, it's on LDS.org. It is so awesome. It really puts into perspective the Book of Mormon and this Gospel. Multiple times here in the MTC we here the phrase ''The Book of Mormon is either true, or it isn't'' What a true and revealing statement. I have read the Book of Mormon, I know that it is true. Pure logic points towards it. How could one 22 year old boy, who had never even read the Bible all the way through write a religious script that would be so captivating to capture the heart of millions. He couldn't. Because he didn't. Joseph Smith did not write it, but he did translate it, through the Power of God. Because God is real. Because God loves his children. Because I know that the Book of Mormon is true, I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet, I know that Thomas S. Monson is his honored successor. I know that this is the Church of JESUS CHRIST! What an amazing knowledge.
I want you all to know that I know that Jesus Christ lives. He has a LIVING body of flesh and blood, and that although his scars still remain from the crucifixion, his body has been perfected through his ressurection. I know that God lives. I know that he has a plan for each of us-a plan that if we follow we can become our greatest potential person. Most of all I know that He loves us. Dios es nuestro amoroso Padre Celestial. Yo se que esta iglesia es verdadera, y yo se que Jose Smith fue un profeta verdadero. (God is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that this church is true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet).